Complexes of Scientific Clinical Departments, Laboratories, and Scientific and Organizing Subdivisions form the basis of the Center Structure.

Dissertation council MHRC of the RAS

Scientific departments

Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


Laboratory departments

Administrative and economic subdivisions

  • Human Resources
  • Accounts Department
  • Office
  • Planning and Economic Division
  • Division of the organization and conducting of public procurement
  • Division of Logistics
  • Civil Defense Headquarters
  • History Museum of MHRC
  • Research Library

All patients, admitted to the clinic, are subject to mandatory systematic diagnostic examination. Besides clinical and psychological examination, it includes clinical laboratory analyses, electroencephalography, electrocardiography, if necessary, X-ray examination, computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. All patients are seen by an internist, neurologist, if necessary, by other specialists (ophthalmologist, dermatologist, dentist, ENT doctor, surgeon, gynecologist, etc.).

The newest treatment approaches are developed and used in the Centre. Along with individually designed psychopharmacological treatment, depending on the mental status of patients, psychotherapy and psychocorrection is used, combining individual, group and family therapy. Acupuncture, massage, electrosleep, and various types of physical treatment methods (coniferous, sea-water and pearl baths, circular shower, etc.) are used as well. In the Department for rehabilitation patients have the possibility to take specially developed programs of occupational therapy. Under the supervision of a specialist in medical training and remedial gymnastics patients can also take training in the hall of medical exercise.

The clinical division of borderline mental pathology and somatoform disorders is located in 2 units of the open (sanatorium-like) type. There are patients with neuroses (obsessive-compulsive disorders, phobias), personality disorders, adaptation disorders. Patients with mental disturbances developing along with medical illnesses (cardiovascular, dermatological, endocrine, gastroenterological, respiratory) are also hospitalized in these units. Beyond conventional pharmacological treatment, used in the therapy of mild disorders of non-psychotic and psychotic levels, special attention is paid to the search for more effective ways for cessation of conditions that are resistant to ordinary treatment and require a specific approach. Along with pharmacological treatment, these patients are receiving psychotherapy and electrosleep.

The clinical department for the study of endogenous mental disorders and affective state is intended for examination and treatment of patients of younger and middle age (from 18 to 50) with advanced psychotic disorders, including acute phases. Indications for hospital admittance include specific disorders in puberty and youth, crises and behavioral disorders, various depression (including those with suicidal tendencies), psychomotor excitation states, hallucinatory and delusional psychoses, affective disorders, complications and side effects of pharmacological therapy. In cases of resistance to therapy, intensive methods of treatment are used: the newest highly effective modern pharmaceuticals, intravenous infusions, combination of psychopharmacotherapy with EST, plasmapheresis. In parallel with biological treatment, various psychotherapeutical techniques and social rehabilitation measures are applied, the most significant being group and individual psychological correction, developed with consideration of age-related specificity of mental disorders in young patients.

The clinical department of gerontological psychiatry admit patients of the second half of life (above 50 years of age). The department provides medical care for patients with a wide spectrum of mental disorders. They include different forms of depressions of the elderly, frequently related to social and daily problems and a loss of relatives (bereavement). Not infrequently patients with neurotic disorders are hospitalized, namely with phobias, anxiety, sleep disorders. Besides patients with age-related disorders are treated here. Patients receive complex treatment with a consideration of different diseases inherent to old age, including those of a medical origin. Physical methods of treatment and psychotherapeutic care are widely used in addition to pharmacological therapy.

Department of endogenous psychoses of childhood provides in-patient and day-stay patient care to children and adolescents with mental disorders in two clinical units. The department is intended for children of various ages (from 7 to 14-16 years of age). Children with various types of psychiatric pathology are admitted, including those with borderline and severe phychotic disorders. Rehabilitation therapy is conducted from the first days of hospitalization, in combination with pharmacotherapy. It includes school lessons, which allows preventing a development of school maladaptation, normalizing of personal attitude of children towards education, and sometimes eliminating of pedagogical neglection. To avert hospitalism the system of treatment (home) vacations is used, when an attempt is made to attend usual school classes. Occupational therapy and excursions are widely practiced in the department. Day-stay care (semi-inpatient unit), organized for children with early childhood autism, is intended for a simultaneous stay of 12 - 15 children aged from 3 to 7 years. It is functioning in the regimen of a day-care centre for children with two non-working days per week. With the help of experienced speech pathologists, psychologists, and teachers correctional and pedagogical work is carried out here, which is aimed at identification of the severity of affection of mental functions of a child, their correction and normalization of children's behavior.