Laboratory of clinical biochemistry
Oleg Sergeyevich Brusov is the head of the laboratory of clinical biochemistry, candidate of biological sciences. In 1978 he upheld his PhD"s thesis “Identification and evaluation of molecular heterogeneity of rat liver superoxide dysmutase”. His scientific interests involve clinical and chemical studies of platelet serotoninergic systems in patients with affective, schizoaffective and somatoform disorders; clinical and chemical studies of platelet serotoninergic system in children with various forms of schizophrenia or pseudoneurotic disorders; evaluation of clinical and chemical mechanisms of resistance to antidepressants in patients with endogenous depression; evaluation of the structure and content of serotonin-transporting protein via platelet membrane in normals and in patients with various forms of psychopathology (affective, schizoaffective and somatoform disorders and schizophrenia). He has 145 scientific publications, 65 of them being original papers. O.S. Brusov is an author of 2 patents. Under the supervision of O.S. Brusov, 6 PhD"s theses have been upheld. A number of international projects are being carried out in the laboratory.
The laboratory of clinical chemistry is one of the stable divisions of the Centre. It was organized in the period, when the Institute of Psychiatry of AMS USSR was first created. The laboratory has conducted studies on the main aspects of metabolism (protein, carbohydrate, energetic, hormonal, biogenic amines, etc.) in various forms of psychiatric pathology, as well as on membrane phenomena and autointoxication in endogenous psychoses. After organization of the Centre R.R. Lideman was the head of the laboratory (1983-1994), and since 1992 the laboratory has been headed by O.S. Brusov. The last decades were characterized by studies of neurochemical mediators at the receptor level, with the use of monoclonal antibodies to various chemical components of the reception process (in particular, evaluation of the structure, processing and molecular heterogeneity of serotonin-transporting protein).
The laboratory is staffed by 10 research fellows.
Scope of research activities of the Laboratory:
- Investigation of fundamental and applied aspects of biochemical markers of various clinical forms of mental pathology.
- Clinical and chemical studies of platelet serotoninergic system in patients with affective, schizoaffective and somatoform disorders.
- Clinical and biochemical states of platelet serotoninergic system in children with mental disorders.
- Evaluation of biochemical mechanisms of resistance to various antidepressant drugs.
- Clinical and biochemical evaluation of the serotoninergic system and nerve growth factor system in platelet model of children with hereditary forms of oligophrenia.