Brief overview of the Mental Health Research Centre History.
The Mental Health Research Centre was established in 1944, as a part of USSR Medical Sciences Academy. The Institute of Psychiatry was among the first 25 scientific institutions that formed the very USSR Medical Sciences Academy back in 1944. It was first named the Institute of Psychiatry, then in 1981 reorganized and renamed as All-Union Mental Health Research Centre of Medical Science Academy. With the USSR dissolution it lost the All-Union status.
To date the Centre is governed by Federal Agency and its official name is the State Public Scientific Institution “Mental Health Research Centre”.
Following the academic tradition of the Medical Sciences Academy, the Institution objectives were defined in accordance with the state needs as well as its head’s scientific approach. Only the lead scientists were appointed to become the directors, and the development of the institution was inseparably related to research paths of these prominent leaders.
1944 - 1952 Vasiliy A. Guilyarovsky - the first director
Vasiliy A. Guilyarovsky () is an outstanding Russian psychiatrist of XX century who is famous as the author of fundamental works on theory of psychopathology and clinical psychiatry (e.g. “Theory of Hallucinations”, “Introduction to the Psychosis Anatomy Studying”), popular textbooks, and more than 250 articles. He is also famous for the promotion of humanity attitude to psychiatric patients, for the development of new treatments and for setting the prohibition on the lobotomy surgery in USSR.
In the years of V.A.Guilyarovsky directorship, the Institute gained the position of the national leading psychiatric institution and grew the scale of its clinical capabilities.
1952 - 1960 Dmitry D. Fedotov
Dmitry D.Fedotov (1908 - 1982) was one of the most productive of psychiatrists of his time. The talented manager, Dmitry D. Fedotov made an important contribution into the mental healthcare development over the USSR. He organized the first All-Union Psychiatric Congress - the every 5 years central event in the scientific life of psychiatrists to date.
While being the director of the MHRC the clinical research in the institution was devoted to the epilepsy, alcoholism, non-psychotic mental disorders, pharmacotherapy of psychiatric diseases and its prevention.
1962-1987 Andrey.V. Snezhnevsky
A.V. Snezhnevsky () was truly the most significant figure in Russian psychiatry after the World War II.
A.V.Snezhnevsky is primarily known for his works on Schizophrenia. His theoretical observations are based on the results of longitudinal big scale research on epidemiology, genetics and clinics of endogenous mental disorders. A.V.Snezhnevsky introduced the national classification of mental diseases which served as the primarily instrument of the diagnosis over the decades.
Snezhnevsky implemented the new structure of the institution to meet the scientific needs so that every perspective area of the research would refer to a department or a research group. He build the team of talented psychiatrists, every of whom is now known for their achievements in specific research field P.M. Zinovyev, E.N. Kameneva, T.P. Simson, A.G. Galachyan, K.A. Skvortsov, M.S. Lebedinskiy, A.M. Rapoport, E.Ya. Sternberg, M.E. Vartanyan, R.A. Nadzharov, M.Sh. Vrono, G.A. Rotstein, T.F. Papadoupoulos, G.K. Ushakov, V.A. Romasenko, A.K. Anufriev, M.Y.Tsutsulkovskaya and many others. Under his lead the MHRC scientists approached almost all the pressing questions of theory of psychiatry as well as clinical issues.
Academician Snezhnevsky put a lot of efforts into the development of the better postgraduate training for psychiatrists. Since 1964 he headed the Chair of Psychiatry of the Central Institute for Medical Postgraduate Training where he lectured on the regular basis.
An important page of the history of MHRC under the guidance of A.V.Shezhnevsky was the establishment of two its branches:
1. The Siberian Branch of MHRC in Tomsk headed by A.I. Potapov in 1981. This unit played an outstanding role in the development of local scientific community at the eastern parts of Russia.
2. The “Stress” Center in Yerevan headed by A.S Tatevosyan in 1982, when the dramatic events of the earthquake in Armenia required the support of mental health professionals to local population.
Since 1990 both of the branches continue to function as an independent institutions.
1987 - 1993 Marat E. Vartanyan
An outstanding psychiatrist, M.E.Vartanyan () was the one significantly contributed into the Russian neuroscience development in his role of the director of MHRC. His multidisciplinary approach to research ensured clarification of key aspects of genetics, neurobiology, morphology, immunology and biochemistry, as well as clinics and dynamics of psychiatric disorders. He promoted neurovisualization methods and implemented them into clinical work at the MHRC.
M.E.Vartanian worked closely with R.A.Nadzharov - one of the most talented scientists of the period. Together they studies new drugs as well as drug resistance. Academician M.E. Vartanyan participated in WHO work on neurobiology and psychopharmacology, while R.A.Nadzharov was an WHO expert on classification of mental diseases (ICD), and later the head of the committee on Schizophrenia research and intercultural psychiatry. In MHRC R.A. Nadzharov was the one to continue Snezhnevsky’s research on Schizophrenia making an emphasis on age specifics of its dynamics.
In late 70-s MHRC established international collaboration with leading European psychiatric institutions and joined international pharmacological trials.
1994 - 2015 Alexander S. Tiganov
Academician A.S.Tiganov one of the leading Russian scientists widely known in Russia and abroad for his works on psychopathology, psychopharmacology.
Strong leader, A.S. Tiganov not only ensured the Institution’s functioning during the crisis of early 90-s in Russia, but managed to develop new scientific capabilities through establishing new laboratory departments and the network of remote research centers in Moscow clinics - both in and outpatient.
He is the founder and the editor in chief of the journal "Psychiatry ". Under his supervision two editions of “Handbook of Psychiatry” (2nd ed. , 1999, 3 - ed. 2012) were published. He is the author of over 250 publications, 2 monographs.
Since February, 2015 Academician Tiganov is the Scientific Chief of MHRC
2015 - to date Tatiana P. Klyushnik
Professor Klyushnik is one of the leading neuroscientists in Russia and abroad. Her research work is focused on neuro-immunology and neurochemistry of mental disorders and aimed to determine its biological markers. She applies the unique integrative approach incorporating both psychopathology and neuroscience in her research.
An author with more than 150 scientific articles and 3 book chapters, published in national and international journals, professor Klyushnik owns 3 patents and 2 medical technologies related to mental disorders diagnostics, treatment and outcome prediction.
Professor Klyushnik in her role of MHRC Director will facilitate further integration and promotion of clinical and biological disciplines.