Tatyana Pavlovna Klyushnik is the head of the laboratory of molecular biochemistry, doctor of biological sciences. In 1983 she upheld her PhD's thesis “Some biochemical and immunochemical properties of a new neurospecific protein 10-40-4”, in 1997 - her doctoral thesis “Autoantibodies to nerve growth factor in neuropsychiatric diseases and nerve development abnormalities”. Her scientific interests involve biological psychiatry, neurochemistry, psychopharmacology. She has about 100 publications and 1 patent license. T.P.Klyushnik is a scientific supervisor of 2 PhD's theses and a consultant of 5 PhD's theses. She took part in a number of international projects.

The Laboratory was organized in 1990 from the laboratory of clinical chemistry, headed by R.R. Lideman.

The Laboratory is staffed by 12 research fellows.

Scope of research activities of the Laboratory:

  • Identification of immunochemical and biochemical markers of developmental abnormalities of the nervous system in children, aimed at an early diagnosis, monitoring of treatment and prognosis of respective pathologies.
  • Investigation of the role of inflammatory and autoimmune response to neutrophils in various neurological disorders - mental dysontogenesis of an exogenous and endogenous origin.
  • Evaluation of the hematoencephalic barrier and factors, influencing its permeability in mental disorders, by means of molecular biochemistry.