Division #1

  • Smulevich Anatoly Boleslavovich –Head of Department , Academician of RAS, Professor.
  • Dubnitskaya Etery Bronislavovna - Principal Researcher, MD, Professor.
  • Ilyina Natalia Alexeevna - Leading Researcher, MD.
  • Volel Beatrice Albertovna - Leading Researcher, MD.
  • Dorozhenok Igor Yurievich - Senior Researcher , Candidate of Medical Sciences.
  • Chitlova Victoria Valentinovna - Researcher, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
  • Ermusheva Anastasiya Alexeevna - Junior Researcher.
  • Voronova Evgenia Sergeevna - Research Assistant.


Clinic staff :

  • Ikonnikov Dmitriy Vsevolodovich - Chief of the Division, board certified psychiatrist, highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
  • Kirdeeva Xenia Evgenievna – psychiatrist.
  • Maslova Nadezhda Andreevna – psychiatrist.
  • Vlasova Elena Sergeevna- Senior nurse.


Division's Contingent: persons with so-called borderline mental disorders, which include neuroses, personality disorders, adjustment disorders and also mental disorders, which developed with a various of somatic diseases (cardiovascular illnesses, skin, endocrine, gastrointestinal illnesses, diseases of the respiratory system) . Skilled care provides a great relief for somatic pathology and improves quality of life to such patients. Along with the traditional drug treatment (which applied at the most mild psychiatric disorders) a special attention is set up on physiotherapy. Physiotherapy provide a restorative and tonic effect as well as individual and group psychotherapy .