Information for authors.

The editorial staff receives original papers, systematical reviews of scientific literature, and meta-analysis data for consideration.

The order of presentation of the paper to the editorial staff of the journal:

Material for publication, cover letter and “Conflict of interests” form should be sent to the editorial staff of “Psychiatry” Journal in electronic form (

Material for publication should be sent in paper form (1 copy) signed by scientific supervisor on the title page and by all the authors with the date of forwarding on the last page. Cover letter and “Conflict of interests” form should also be signed by all the authors and dated.

  1. Cover letter for publication of the paper, review (other material) contains:
  • address to Professor Klyushnik Tat’yana Pavlovna, the editor-in-chief of the journal, with an offer to consider the paper for publication in the journal;
  • the list of authors and the title of the paper/review;
  • affirmation that the material has never been published before and that it isn’t offered for publication in other editions;
  • information on the consent to publication of all the authors and approval of scientific institutions, where the study was carried out;
  • the letter is signed by the head of directing institution (or the author in a case of addressing the editorial staff on personal initiative);
  • family names of potential undesirable peer reviewers may be given in the letter due to the conflict of interests.
  1. The rules of paper (material) design for publication:

- to show thematic rubric (UDC code);

- the title should be short, but informative, without abbreviations, if it is possible;

- enumeration of family names and initials of all the authors (for example Ivanov PS);

- affiliation (the names of institutions, where the authors belong to without abbreviations). If other authors from various institutions participated in writing of the paper, it is necessary to correlate the names of institutions with family names, first names and patronymics of the authors by means of addition of numerical indices using uppercase letters immediately before the names of institutions and the family names of the corresponding authors;

- annotation in Russian consisting of 200-250 words, structured into sections (background, the aim of the study, material (the patients) and methods, results, and conclusion);

- keywords (maximum 5), which are separated from each other, should be chosen for indexing of the paper in search systems;

- all the metadata of the paper (the title, authors, affiliation, annotation and key words) must be presented in Russian and English with accurate spelling of all the family names and names. Lowercase and uppercase style of writing should be applied for titles of papers. English version of the summary should completely correspond to Russian one in its sense and structure and it should be written in correct English.

  1. The total volume of the paper should not exceed 10-12 pages of typescript. The total volume of the review should not exceed 22-25 pages. The text should be printed, using Times New Roman print. Standard types of 12-point type and 1-point type interval should be used, as well as margins with the minimum of indention of 2 cm. Accentuation should be made ONLY in italics, or boldface font with NO underlining. The pages of the manuscript should be numbered. The used abbreviation should be deciphered in the beginning of the paper and later it should be used without decoding. When the volume of the text exceeding the standard norm is justified in the author’s opinion and should not be abridged, the decision about its publication is made at the editorial board meeting according to the recommendation of the reviewer.
  2. The text of the paper should have definite structure and include “Introduction” with explanation of urgency of investigation and brief information about the data of literature on the theme of the study, “The aim of the study”, “Material and methods (Patients and methods)”, “The results and their discussion”, and “Conclusion (deductions). It is not necessary for scientific reviews to include “Introduction” and “Conclusion”. The contents of the paper should answer the course of scientific process. Introduction of subsections and subtitles may be justified. The section “Material and methods”is usually structured in subsections. As a rule these are:
  • Design of the study;
  • Ethical expertise;
  • criteria of inclusion/non-inclusion/exclusion
  • conditions of conducting the study;
  • duration of the study;
  • description of examination method, or medical intervention;
  • methods of outcomes registration;
  • results of study;
  • analysis in sub groups;
  • statistical analysis.

If necessary and depending on the type of the study, additional subsections can be introduced.
Types of equipment and their manufacturers should be indicated, as well as the names of chemical and medicinal agents, obligatorily with indication of INN, alongside with this it is possible to indicate trade name of the drug. In a case of conduct of genetic and molecular-biological studies the names of all the genes, alleles, and polymorphisms should be obligatorily indicated, as well as successions of primers and the ways of extraction of DNA (during the performance of PCR).

In the subsection “Statistical analysis” it is necessary to describe in detail the used methods of statistical processing of data, and as far as possible to present results with corresponding indices of measurement of error, or uncertainty (for example, confidential interval, CI), without relying only upon statistical verification of hypotheses (p), and to use only generally accepted statistical terms and abbreviations.

In the subsection “Results” basic, or the most important obtained data should be presented in logical succession in the text, tables and figures. You needn’t duplicate all the data in the tables and figures in the text. As an alternative to exceedingly voluminous tables it is possible to use diagrams (but you shouldn’t duplicate tables with diagrams!). The results of investigations and observations should be presented in units of International system (SI). Chemical formulas and dosages are endorsed by the author in the margins. It will be better to present data in absolute and per cent (in brackets) expression with indication of the level of statistical significance p (up to the 3rd digit after the comma), if it exists. The number of illustrations should not exceed 5. Request to photograph: size 400x300 px (height 400 px, width 300 px), format: jpg, jpeg, size of file: 20-50 kb., resolution: 72dpi. Mathematical formulas should be presented as editing text, and not in the form of images. Footnotes should not be abundant, they should have consecutive numeration in all the text.

Tables should be placed in the paper text, they must have numbered title and accurately indicated columns, convenient and comprehensible for reading. Table’s data must correspond to the numbers in the text, however they should not duplicate the information presented in it. References to the text tables are obligatory.

Figures must be contrasting and clear. The volume of graphic material must be minimal (but for those papers, where it is justified by the character of investigation). Each figure should be placed in the text and must be accompanied by enumerated cut lines. References to the text figures are obligatory. All the “legends” and conventions reveal in the cut lines. In a case of reproduction of illustrations and tables from works of other authors written permission should be received. The titles of figures and tables (with names of separate columns) must be translated into English.

Sections “Discussion” and “Conclusion” for an original paper should contain generalization of the obtained data and discussion of the basic result of the study, as well as association of these results with the declared aim of the study alongside with admission of its limitation.

“Conflict of interests” Section (filled in a case of financial support).

Having finished the text of the paper, the authors should specify the source/sources of financing the study, using the following template: “The study was carried out with financial provision (financial support) …” Participation of sponsors in determination of the study design, data analysis and interpretation of the obtained results, as well as the decision to publish them in the paper should be indicated.

The lack of additional financing should also be confirmed with the statement on the lack of financial support/conflict of interests (See the form presented above).

The authors should present the filled in form about the conflict of interests to the editorial board, in which all the authors of the published material give answers to the questions.

Affirmative answer presupposes presentation of concrete information.

The title of the manuscript (paper) ________


  1. Have you, or your relatives received material compensation, including honorariums for speeches, consultations, gifts, payments for trips and study financing from the organization, institution, or company, for whom this publication may present financial interest? Yes/No
  2. Do your immediate relatives work for the interest of organization, institution, or company, who may be financially impacted by your publication? Yes/No 
  3. Are your immediate relatives members of the governing body of organization, institution, or company, who may be financially influenced by your publication


  1. Do you have immediate relatives, who are shareholders, having placement of funds, or other financial interests (with the exception of unit investment trusts) in organization, institution, or company, who may be financially influenced by your publication? Yes/No
  2. May the results of this publication directly or indirectly influence your honorarium? Yes/No 
  1. Are there any other conflicts, or existing contradictions in the interests, which the editorial board should know? Yes/No 

“Informed consent” Section. It is prohibited to publish any information, which makes it possible to identify the patient (name his/her name, initials, numbers of case reports on the photos during working out written descriptions and genealogies), but for the cases, when it presents great scientific value and the patient (his/her parents, or guardians) have given their informed written consent. Having received such consent, it is necessary to inform about it in the published paper.

“Compliance with the rights of the patients and experimental animals” Section.

It is necessary to state, if carrying out the experiences on human beings corresponds to Declaration of Helsinki (1975) and its revised variant (2000) and ethic standards of Committee oExperiments on Human beings (included in the structure of the institution, where the work was carried out, or regional). During description of experiments on animals it should be stated, if the housing and use of experimental animals corresponded to the rules of the institution, recommendations of the national council on studies and national laws.

In the section “Acknowledgements” the authors have possibility to express words of gratitude to those, whose contribution to the study is insufficient for becoming co-authors, but at the same time is considered significant by the authors (consultations, technical assistance, translations, etc.).

The rules of making references

In “References” the recommended number of sources in the list for original papers makes up 15-25(for reviews of the literature -60). The authors should properly make reference to sources, as they are completely responsible for the accuracy of data, cited in the references. The authors should not copy references from other publications, if they haven’t read the indicated works. The family names of all, or 6 first authors should be indicated in the references. In “References” it is not recommended to make references to dissertation research and abstracts. It is recommended to present original papers, devoted to the discussed problem. Bibliographic references should be numbered, in the text of the manuscript they are shown in square brackets in accordance with the references.

  • In the list all the papers are enumerated in order of citation, but NOT in alphabetical order. Each source should be placed in new line under order number.
  • In paper texts references to the sources are cited in square brackets in Arabic numerals in accordance with the References.
  • In bibliographic description of each source ALL THE AUTHORS should be presented. It is inadmissible to abridge the title of the paper. The titles of English- language journals should be presented in accordance with MEDLINE data base title catalogue. If the journal is not indexed in MEDLINE, it is necessary to indicate its full title.
  • Making reference to journal (the most frequent source of information for citing) the author should adhere to the template: Author AA, co-author BB. Title of the paper. Title of the journal. Year; Volume (Number), pp.
  • After the initials of the authors full-stops should not be used. The titles of the papers and journals should not be separated with “//”mark. For description of release date, volume, number of the journal and pages, where the paper was published abbreviated record format should be used.

For example:

Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. NEJM. 2002 Jul 25;347(4):284-287. Дедов ИИ, Шестакова МВ. Эпидемиология сахарного диабета и микрососудистых осложнений. Сахарный диабет. 2010;(3):17-22.

  • In References it is not recommended to refer to theses and abstracts, it is recommended to present references to original papers, reflecting the contents of the indicated studies.
  • While compiling a list of references, transliteration (writing with characters of Latin alphabet) is used. For transliteration of bibliographic references in accordance with BGN standard. can be used.


For example:

Дедов ИИ, Шестакова МВ. Эпидемиология сахарного диабета и микрососудистых осложнений. Сахарный диабет. 2010;(3):17-22.

Dedov II, Shestakova MV. Epidemiologiyа saharnogo diabeta I mikrososudistyh oslozhnenij. Saharnyjdiabet.2010;(3):17-22. (In Russ.).

English version of writing the title of the paper is presented in Russian-language version of journals, if it is present.

  • Information about the authors is placed on the last page in Russian (Информацияобавторах) and in English (Information about the authors) with indication of family names and full names, academic degrees, academic ranks, places of employment, city and country names and e-mail for the authors. At the same time information about the authors begins with the full name. For example - Oleg P. Nikolaev… It is recommended to include Information about the author, who is responsible for correspondence, should be indicated with the words Corresponding author. Corresponding author indicates his full mailing address and telephone numbers.
  • Papers received by the editorial staff undergo obligatory peer reviewing. The Editorial Board reserves the right to abridge the received material, and to carry out scientific and literary editing.
  • The papers designed without conformity with the above rules are returned to the authors without consideration.
  • The papers are published free of charge.
  • The paper (material) for publication is delivered in paper version in 1 copy with the signatures of all the authors, indication of Corresponding author and a visa of the head of department to editorial office to the address: Editorial office of “Psychiatry Journal”, FSBSI “The Mental Health Research Centre”, 34, Kashirskoye shosse, Moscow.
  • Electronic version of the material for publication is sent to editorial office to the

Contact phone numbers: +7 494 109 03 97.