Division #5

Tiganov Alexander Sergeevich – Head of Department, Academician of RAS, Professor.


Scientific staff :

  • Barkhatova Alexandra Nikolaevna - Leading Researcher , candidate of medical sciences.
  • Dikaya Tatiana Ivanovna - Leading Researcher , candidate of medical sciences, board certified psychiatrist, highest category.
  • Subbotskaya Nelly Victorovna - Senior Researcher, candidate of medical sciences, board certified psychiatrist, highest category.
  • Demeneva Anna Andreevna - Researcher, board certified psychiatrist, first category.
  • Sorokin Sergey Alexandrovich - Researcher, psychiatrist
  • Bolgov Maxim Igorevich - Junior Researcher, psychiatrist


Clinic staff :

  • Munchaeva Emma Rasulovna - Chief of Division, board certified psychiatrist, highest category.
  • Ulyanova Elena Yurievna - board certified psychiatrist, highest category.
  • Chubarev Ivan Vladimirovich - board certified psychiatrist, first category.
  • Sokolova Irina Sergeevna – psychiatrist.
  • Parfenova Lyudmila Vasilyevna - board certified neurologist, highest category.
  • Danisheva Tatiana Vladislavovna - board certified internist, highest category.
  • Sivertseva Alla Ivanovna - senior nurse.


This clinical division (mixed by gender - 50 beds) is designed for treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of the patients with functional disorders, which include a wide range of mental disorders. These include adjustment disorders, pathologies of personality structure, and a various types of depression, endogenous diseases accompanied by hallucinatory and delusional symptoms. We give preference to the treatment with modern medicines, combined use of psychopharmacological and general therapeutic means to carry out a comprehensive treatment (both mental and somatic diseases). In addition, special attention is paid to the physical therapy, if it is necessary our specialists can develop individual complexes of the physiotherapy sessions. There are psychotherapy sessions and rehabilitation programs for the patients in the division.